Celebrations and Carnivals

The Brazilian Carnivals are really known around the world. Multiculturalism can be considered as the ground of these events, where many cultures are mixed.

During Carnivals, people share their joy with others because, despite of their cultural differences, people participate to the same events. This situation shows that Brazil isn’t an individualistic country (only 38% according on the Hofstede Individuality scale).We can also notice that Brazil has a high level of Indulgence (59% according to the Hofstede institute). This means that people have a tendency towards positive attitudes, they want to have fun. It explains that the Brazilian culture is often associated with optimism, laugh and happiness.


Carnival takes place in Brazil from the Friday to the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. The Brazilian Carnival is present in many places in Brazil, but is particularly important in Rio, Olinda and Salvador.

Even if February is the most active season for festivities, other events take place in Brazil during the year. Some of them are related to religion, like the Lavagem do Bonfim in Salvador. During this syncretic celebration, which takes place in the beginning of January, the steps of the church of Bonfrim are washed. After this, a night is dedicated to music and dance.

Music is also a part of the Brazilian culture, and is very present during celebrations. The Music of Brazil is a reflection of the Brazilian Culture in general, because many various regional styles are present. The Brazilian Music has also been influenced by the European and African Music, but Brazil has developed its proper styles, like Bossa Nova and Samba. Samba is particularly known around the world, because this music genre is associated to the Brazilian Carnival.

Visual arts are also part of the Brazilian culture. Cinema is too a tradition in Brazil: the Brazilian Film Festival takes place each year, and presents the last Brazilian movies.

Tips for a foreigner in Brazil
Keep in mind that Carnival isn’t every day in Brazil. There are many festive events around the year, but there is no daily spectacle!

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